Our Events:
Musel's Laf
Where: Remich
When: 02.07.2022
By: CAEG & Performance Club
Start and finish: Place Fernand Kons
Distances: 21.1km starts at 18h30
5km starts at 18h15
Kids run / Kinderlauf / Course pour enfants (700m/1200m) starts at 18h20
Registration: www.chiplauf.de
Wengerts trail
Where: Remerschen
When: 13.10.2024
By: Performance Club and Commune de Schengen
Start and finish: 34 Waistrooss Valentiny foundation
Distances: 9km/14km/18km start at 13h00
Registration: www.chiplauf.de
Trail Uewersauer
Website: www.trailuewersauer.lu
When: 17.11.2024
Where: Heiderscheid
By: Performance Club
Start and finish: at 8h45 Centre culturel et sportif ( Heiderscheid )
Distances: Uewersauer Trail 52km / Team-Trail / Mid Trail 31,2KM
Sprint Trail 10,km / Nordic walking
Registration: www.chiplauf.de
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